Accessibility Quick Links
What is the Employee Purpose Loan?
What can I use the loan for?
Are there prohibited uses of the loan proceeds?
Can I have another person apply with me?
Will my peers see my income in the underwriting process?
How long until I receive the funds?
Can I use my Canadian credit profile instead of my U.S. credit profile?
How do I repay the loan?
Will this loan be reported to the various credit agencies?
Are there costs associated with the loan?
What happens if I leave CIBC Bank USA during the loan term?
This loan has a 0% interest rate, why is it disclosed as a variable rate loan? Will my rate change from 0%?
Is there a tax consequence if I receive an Employee Purpose Loan?
I did not receive my desired loan amount due to my poor or lack of credit score. How can I improve my credit score?