Access customized vanilla and structured hedging solutions in multiple currencies from our derivative specialists.

Our team of professionals works closely with our commercial and private wealth clients across the U.S. ranging in size and ownership structures. We offer tailored risk management solutions that address the risk of fluctuations in the interest rate market, while also leveraging our sophisticated trading, effective execution and competitive pricing. Our full-service capabilities are available in over-the-counter interest rate products based on underlying markets in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Asia.


  • Single-currency swaps
  • Cross-currency swaps
  • Forward-starting swaps
  • Accreting and amortizing swaps
A laptop and smartphone for online and mobile banking


  • Caps, floors and collars
  • European, Bermudan
  • Swaptions
  • Barrier (single, double)
A CIBC advisor pointing to a spot on a globe

Structured products

  • Fade-in swaps
  • Switch swaps
  • Carry swaps
  • Extendable swaps
  • Expandable swaps
  • Range bonus accumulator
  • Extendible fade-in swaps

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