Continuing the transition, from business owner to private investor.
Jun. 13, 2023 23-minute read

Read part 3

Position your business for maximum value

Clean up the financial statements

Verify that all human resource and hiring documents are up to date

Make sure your business is compliant with all legal and environmental requirements

Review other contractual arrangements

Improve corporate governance

Technology companies: Special considerations

Business broker vs. investment banker


Positioning for wealth planning strategies

Checklist for getting ready

A major shift in mindset about wealth

  • Transfers to trusts, family LLCs and other entities
  • Gifts through grantor-retained annuity trusts (GRATs), intentionally defective grantor (IDG) trusts and similar entities
  • Charitable transfers and gifts
  • Tax elections such as Section 83(b), which allow a business’s founder or an employee the option to pay taxes on the total fair market value of restricted stock at the time of granting
  • Tried-and-true tax strategies, such as accelerating expenses and deferring income

Types of sales — and their implications

Cash sales


Installment sales

Asset sales and stock sales

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